Contribute to improving lives by driving the changes that our countries need

Learn about our impact in numbers

Our sustainability Strategy focuses on generating a positive impact in the countries where we operate.

Finance for
the Future

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Country Vision


Contribute to ensuring that all people, especially the vulnerable and underserved, have access to quality financial and health services that allow them to participate fully in the economy and society, promoting well-being and economic development.

Finance for the Future

Mobilize financial resources and protection mechanisms to drive social transformation, business and people resilience, and an environmentally sustainable economy.


Increase confidence in Credicorp and its subsidiaries, as well as in the private sector in general.

Country Vision

Promote development in the regions in the countries in which we operate, reducing social gaps and creating more equal access to opportunities, resources and infrastructure.

Why we do it

For the purpose we have:

We contribute to improving lives, accelerating the changes that our countries need.

How we do it

Through our values:

Where are we going

We are a leading team in Latin America that generates a relevant impact on society inspired by improving people’s lives by providing innovative financial solutions.

Find here the most notable milestones of our Sustainability Report

Inclusion and financial education

We develop inclusive products and programs, complemented by financial education to drive access and confidence.
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BCP’s mobile agent

New format of BCP Agents that travel through rural areas providing access to education and financial services.

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20 million users in Yape Perú and Yape Bolivia in 2024

We have achieved that more than 4.7 million people entered the financial system through Yape.

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Seguros para todos

Inclusive health, life, accident and small business protection insurance. They are accessible and easy to use and are granted through Mibanco, BCP, Yape and other alliances.

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New Territories Project

Ethnographic study in 7 territories of Peru to deepen our knowledge of the socioeconomic and cultural dynamics in these areas and design strategies and/or solutions that promote inclusion in the urban periphery and rural areas.

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Pro-Bono Consulting aimed at Foundations / Non-Profit Organizations

This initiative seeks for these organizations to improve their management capacity, impact and sustainability.

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Ahorro colectivo juntas​

Pilot application that seeks to digitize traditional collective savings systems.

A morosos​

Responsible debt reorganization Empathic collection, financial education and possibility of new access to credit.


Loans for basic services Financing access to health improvements.

Franco Mibanco

Financial education chatbot that offers immediate, personalized advice to help everyone learn about finances in a simple and accessible way.
Gold Award for Financial Innovators in the Americas at Fintech America 2025.

Learn more about our initiatives

5to Piso arrived on Peru's national TV on an open signal

BCP’s web series that features the neighbors of a building sharing learnings and recommendations to improve their personal finances with everyday topics.

  • +50 episodes on YouTube
  • +200 million views (88.5MM in 2024)

Aprende con Ahorrando a fondo exceeds one million views

In the context of AFP withdrawals, Prima AFP assumed an active role in the financial education of the general population, through “Aprende con Ahorrando a Fondo”, an educational platform about the private pension system so that people make better savings decisions.

Salado y Piña premieres Season 3

This web series seeks to generate an insurance culture, showing how insurance helps to cope with an unexpected situation. A third season was launched in 2024 and the episodes deal with topics such as money insurance and seek to give the public access to the ABC de Pacífico courses, the Pacífico podcast and more educational content produced by the company.


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