We contribute to improving lives, accelerating the changes that our countries need.
Financial Inclusion
+72 mil
clients bancarized*
y el 55% of whom are women.
new agreements
generated over the year
through the program A-Morosos.
S/ 1,869
million disbursed
through Crediagua to provide financing for sanitation improvements.
+2.6 million
for Pacifico’s inclusive insurance policies
via BCP and Mibanco a través
+442 thousand
active users
of Yape Bolivia’s mobile wallet.
~130 thousand
disbursed through
+2.6 million
people financially included
between 2017 and 2022.
+1 million in 2022 alone.
Financial Education
+234 thousand
people completed online courses
through our financial advice initiative via Plataforma
ABC del BCP.
+47 million
views of (accumulated)
of the web series 5to piso.
83 thousand
people improved
their financial behavior
+2 thousand
companies impacted
by Protege 365’s advisory services and training for risk prevention.
+19 thousand
clients trained
through the Client Academy (Academia de Clientes).
+250 thousand
people participated
in financial education programs.
Helping small businesses grow
+6.5 thousand
entrepreneurs connected
to +20 allies through
Beyond Banking*.
+110 thousand
people trained and 660 volunteers
in the Contigo Emprendedor program.
+236 thousand
new entrepreneurs
use the YEVO platform.
+10 thousand
clients obtained a loan
through Juniy for a total
of + S/ 18 million.
Opportunities and products for women
of the portfolio
are women.
+9 thousand
women bancarized
through Crédito Mujer.
+S/ 62 million
through the
Crédito Mujer product.
8 thousand
women impacted
by the Mujeres Pa'lante
Sustainable finance and investments
US$ 163
million issued
through 7 verified green financing
operations for the following sectors: hydroelectric generation, textiles, steel and
Bono Verde
First international Green Bond Issuance in the Peruvian private banking system, for
US$ 30 million
+S/ 149
million disbursed
in 2022 through Eco-Factoring for sustainable supplier systems.
US$ 28 million
issued through the first gender-based social bond
in conjunction with BID Invest.
USD 14.8 million
in sustainable
bond and commercial paper structuring in Peru: Bosques
Sustainable finance and investments
We were recognized by Institutional Investor as having the best ESG program in Peru.
We launched
our sustainability, human rights, and responsible and sustainable investment policies.
Our CEO, Gianfranco Ferrari, received the Sustainable Leadership Award (Premio Liderazgo Sostenible) for driving sustainability in society and in the private sector and for acting as the main sponsor of this effort within the organization.