BCP: transactions in the mass consumption ecosystem grew more than 30% over the last year

  • En el BCP actualmente más del 70% de este tipo de transacciones pasan por canales digitales.

Lima, June 12, 2024.– Over the last year, the number of transactions in the mass consumption ecosystem that were made through BCP increased 34%. This evolution reflects ongoing growth in digital transactions, which today account for more than 70% of all transactions conducted at establishments linked with mass consumption (including payments through transfers, cards and Yape). Expansion over the period was attributable accelerated digital transformation in the private sector, which was driven by growing demand for fast and efficient payment solutions.    

«At BCP, we are committed to growing and modernizing the collections methods used by Peru’s corporate world. Growth of more than 30% in the number of transactions in the mass consumption ecosystem reflects a change in consumer preferences as well as heightened efforts by our corporate clients to adapt to an increasingly digital market. Our objective is to continue generating alliances with the main companies in the mass consumption industry to facilitate the use of digital channels to serve companies’ client and supplier networks, » , commented César Stuart, Head of Corporate Banking del BCP.

BCP’s Mobile Banking application and Yape, Peru’s superapp, have become highly relevant collections venues for mass consumption companies. In 2022, transactions were made primarily through physical channels and digital channels represented only 45% of total transactions. By 2023, these channels accounted for 60% of total transactions and in the first quarter, the number rose to 73%.  

Through strategic alliances through the main companies in the corporate mass consumption world, including Arca Continental and others, BCP offered bodega owners digital solutions, specifically direct payments with a code generated by Yape, to facilitate payments to suppliers.

“At Arca Continental in Perú , we seek to drive the development of bodega owners in Peru, who are important players in the national economy. Facilitating digital payments with Yape to more than 370 thousand clients throughout Peru represents a milestone in the drive to digitalize the mass consumption sector,” said Segundo Capristán, Head of Finance at Arca Continental in Perú.

César Stuart at BCP added: “The main clients for mass consumption companies are bodegas, markets and corner pharmacies. We see opportunities to use digital solutions to spur growth and formalization in this traditional market.”

Growth in transactions in the mass consumption sector is also aligned with BCP’s efforts to promote financial and digital inclusion throughout the country.  

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