Credicorp Group invites young Latin Americans to present ideas for responsible artificial intelligence

  • Nearly 7 thousand young people in Peru, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and Panama have presented ideas to VOCES since 2022. Submissions for this new edition will be open until August 14th.
  • Gianfranco Ferrari, CEO of Credicorp, and Mariana Costa, founder of Laboratoria (Perú), are two of the members of the Assessment Committee that will select the best ideas.
  • Presenters of the three winning ideas will be invited to attend the largest youth summit in the world for social impact, One Young World Summit 2025, and receive US$15.000 in financing to develop their idea.

Lima, May 29, 2024. – Credicorp Group, the main financial holding in Peru with operations in Colombia, Chile, Panama and Bolivia, announced the launch of the third edition of VOCES, a platform to amplify ideas for social change, whose focus in 2024 will be artificial intelligence This year, the program has adopted the name  “VOCES por la ConciencIA Digital”- voices for digital conscience.

This open program, which was created in 2022, is directed at young people from 18 to 32 years of age from Peru, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia and Panama. The objective is to find big ideas to promote responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence; close the digital gap; or stem fraud its various forms, cyber harassment, disinformation, biases, discrimination in decisions based on algorithms, or identify theft.  

“We want to strengthen the use of new technologies to drive the changes that Latin America needs. We are calling on young people -who are the main users- to participate in “VOCES por la ConciencIA Digital” with ideas to promote responsible and ethical digitalization. “The objective is to ensure that societies are more digitally empowered and consequently, provide an opportunity to improve the quality of all citizens,”, said Gianfranco Ferrari, CEO of Credicorp Group.

This topic was selected for the 2024 edition due to the urgent need to open debate on responsible digitalization. According to a study conducted by IDB  [1], the issues that are considered the most pressing in the region on the ethic and responsible use front are privacy (30.5%), reliability (19%) and transparency (18.4%). The Latin American Index for Artificial Intelligence  [2], indicates that AI could increase the country’s GDP by 6.8% in the next 10 years.

Giving momentum to the ideas of young people in the region

Since its creation in2022, VOCES has listened to the voices of almost 7 thousand young people in participating countries. These individuals have presented 3,651 ideas for change, which have been assessed  by the expert Evaluating Committee comprised of Mariana Costa, founder of Laboratoria (Perú); David Gereda, director of development at One Young World (Colombia); Allison Silva, founder of the Fundación Emprender Futuro (Bolivia); Ariel Gringaus, CEO of Colegium (Chile); Nicole Lasso, coordinator of the Red Nacional de Rincones Clubhouse – UNDP (Panama), and Gianfranco Ferrari, CEO of Credicorp.

The three ideas that receive the highest mark from the jury and the most votes from the public will be considered the winners of VOCES por la ConciencIA Digital. Each initiative will be awarded US$15,000 dollars for development. Additionally, a representative from each winning group will attend the One Young World Summit 2025, the most important event in the world for young people who seek social change and will receive specialized mentoring.

“Young people can lift their voices and find allies like Credicorp to support initiatives to generate change that benefits the region’s development. In my experience as a winner of VOCES in 2023, I invite all Peruvian young people who believe in their ideas and want to take steps to put them into action,””, said Bruna Mora, whose idea, Tolki, won the 2023 edition of VOCES.

From May 29th to August 14th, young people who, whether individually or collaboratively, have an idea to contribute to inclusive, ethical and sustainable digital development, can present their initiatives; explain their impact; and discuss the potential of their efforts. For more details on the requirements, deadlines and incentives of VOCES por la ConciencIA Digital, see the web page

[1] Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. La inteligencia artificial al servicio del bien social en América Latina y el Caribe: Panorámica regional e instantáneas de doce países. Consultado en abril de 2024.

[2]  Índice Latinoamericano de Inteligencia Artificial. Consultado en abril de 2024.

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